
There's no demon under my bed,
It's within me instead .
Don't worry it doesn't harm anyone else,
It just answers to my name.
It makes up imaginable stories
and messes with my brain.
This demon is a bit different,
It just keeps me sad.
May be that's why it never talks,
Because it always keeps screaming inside my head.

My demon always told me that I can't 
I tried everyday to prove it wrong.
Sometimes I succeeded and sometimes I didn't
Everyday was a challenge and everyday was a struggle.
Was it trying to keep me sad or make me better person?
or was it trying to break my soul by testing my patience?
In the midst of all, the demon had become my friend
slowly and gradually it was trying to take control of my soul
After a few wins and heartbreaks
There is one thing I realised 
There is no demon in me,
The demon is me instead.

Demon in me